Moving to Tuckerton?

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Downtown Tuckerton, New Jersey

- and the American Cancer Society (ACS) have launched a new program that provides discounts at local stores while raising money to fund cancer research, programs and services. Shoppers who donate $20 or more to the American Cancer Society are eligible to receive a free Shop Downtown Discount Card. Simply make a donation online, get your receipt verified, and receive your digital discount card to save up to 15% off at participating businesses.

When you get a Shop Downtown Discount Card, you help support your neighbors, the local economy, and the American Cancer Society’s mission to save lives, celebrate lives and lead the fight for a world without cancer. You also can get great savings on a variety of products and services every time you patronize a participating business. It’s a win/win situation.

The American Cancer Society does not endorse any product or service.



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Hotel Tips

Upon check-in, slip the desk agent a tip and ask for the best room they can find at your current booked rate. Often times a quick $10 or $20 bill can go a long way towards the mood of the person who directly decides where you lay your head for the night.

Other sources of noise can be opening and closing trash dumpsters and also during collection by garbage trucks. Another great question is if they have any renovation plans, or underway that could affect your ability to relax. Pack earplugs and eyeshades!

Ask to be shown a room before you check-in which signals the front desk agent to show the best room available to sell it right away. This can put you in the best room available at that time and gives you the ability to check for cleanliness, smells and sounds before transacting with the hotel.

Things To Do

Tuckerton micro breweries have popped up in downtown corridors to quench the thirst of local or traveller whos is looking for a one-of-a-kind experience for suds brewed on site. If you are looking for a light beer or something randy and dark, you are sure to find a wide assortment of options to choose from.

Tuckerton is the place to buy jewelry offered by downtown merchants with a wide variety of lovely earrings, necklaces, bracelets and of course diamond rings. You are sure to find the top artisan brands and jewelry maker that brings a special touch to each piece offered.

Tuckerton has that special dining venue and you are sure to find something to please with numerous meals served to satisfy each palette. A wide variety of restaurants and delis are available to choose from with a nice selection of entrees and especially desserts.

Why Do You Love Downtown?

Liisa Shunn
We love going downtown, because we like to support our local economy. The shops and restaurants we visit -- we have gotten to know the owners, so when our money is spent downtown, we know who benefits. Also? We live only a mile from downtown, so we walk or ride our bikes. No worries about a designated driver or looking for parking. We chose to live in Medford, so of course we want our money to stay in Medford, not going off to some corporate office of a chain store.

Brandon Trujillo
Great Food

Mary Morales

Deborah Berg
It's beautiful.

Jennifer Moranda
Planning my first trip.


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