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Downtown Port Washington, Wisconsin

- and the American Cancer Society (ACS) have launched a new program that provides discounts at local stores while raising money to fund cancer research, programs and services. Shoppers who donate $20 or more to the American Cancer Society are eligible to receive a free Shop Downtown Discount Card. Simply make a donation online, get your receipt verified, and receive your digital discount card to save up to 15% off at participating businesses.

When you get a Shop Downtown Discount Card, you help support your neighbors, the local economy, and the American Cancer Society’s mission to save lives, celebrate lives and lead the fight for a world without cancer. You also can get great savings on a variety of products and services every time you patronize a participating business. It’s a win/win situation.

The American Cancer Society does not endorse any product or service.



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Country Inn & Suites By Carlson Port Washington
350 E Seven Hills Rd
Port Washington, Wisconsin

Holiday Inn Harborview - Port Washington
135 E Grand Ave
Port Washington, Wisconsin

Hotel Tips

Other sources of noise can be opening and closing trash dumpsters and also during collection by garbage trucks. Another great question is if they have any renovation plans, or underway that could affect your ability to relax. Pack earplugs and eyeshades!

Always announce during booking if the trip is for a special event, anniversary or reunion. Group rates can be pre-negotiated and you may qualify for a lower cost and better upgrades for your stay. If you are the one setting up the event, always work directly with the front desk manager to make sure the best service is offered to your party.

Avoid booking poolside for kids playing during the day and gatherings at night. Sound bounces off of the water and voices carry so ask for a room away from the pool either on the opposite side of the hotel or in higher floors.

Things To Do

Port Washington hosts several events per year for your listening enjoyment but visit your piano shop to learn how to play and possibly purchase your grand, upright or digital piano. Don't forget the specialty work involved such as tuning and moving which are performed by skilled technicians.

Port Washington offers on-the-go dining when you visit your favorite food truck. Pick up some corn tortilla tacos with freshly made pico with a fresh squeeze of lemon to give your day a boost. Food trucks can offer a wide variety of niche ethnic blends.

Port Washington is the place to buy jewelry offered by downtown merchants with a wide variety of lovely earrings, necklaces, bracelets and of course diamond rings. You are sure to find the top artisan brands and jewelry maker that brings a special touch to each piece offered.

Why Do You Love Downtown?

Mary Loar
There are so many cute stores in Silverton. We are going on Thursday to shop and dine.

Mike Adamski
Love shopping for unique finds and supporting local shops!

Stephanie Seavers
Close to work but also love all the small business owners, friendliness and just how supporting our local area makes me feel!

Jennifer Murphy
It's our town!

Crystal Wood
Always rich in diversity and intriguing in atmosphere, it's busy, lively and full of color and wonderful aromas! A great experience for the senses.


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Port Washington