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Downtown Great Yarmouth, Great Britain

- and the American Cancer Society (ACS) have launched a new program that provides discounts at local stores while raising money to fund cancer research, programs and services. Shoppers who donate $20 or more to the American Cancer Society are eligible to receive a free Shop Downtown Discount Card. Simply make a donation online, get your receipt verified, and receive your digital discount card to save up to 15% off at participating businesses.

When you get a Shop Downtown Discount Card, you help support your neighbors, the local economy, and the American Cancer Society’s mission to save lives, celebrate lives and lead the fight for a world without cancer. You also can get great savings on a variety of products and services every time you patronize a participating business. It’s a win/win situation.

The American Cancer Society does not endorse any product or service.



0 results


The White Lodge
19 Marine Crescent
Great Yarmouth, Great Britain

The Marina Guest House
12 Trafalgar Road
Great Yarmouth, Great Britain

Cavendish House Hotel
19-20 Princes Road
Great Yarmouth, Great Britain

Barnard House
2 Barnard Crescent
Great Yarmouth, Great Britain

The Merivon Guest House
6 Trafalgar Road
Great Yarmouth, Great Britain

Comfort Hotel Great Yarmouth
14 Albert Square
Great Yarmouth, Great Britain

Horse and Groom Hotel
Main Road
Great Yarmouth, Great Britain

Silverstone House
29 Wellesley Road
Great Yarmouth, Great Britain

The Hamilton
23-24 North Drive
Great Yarmouth, Great Britain

Cliff Hotel
Cliff Hill, Gorleston-On-Sea
Great Yarmouth, Great Britain

Copperfields Guest House
16 Trafalgar Road
Great Yarmouth, Great Britain

3 Norfolk Square - Guest house
Albemarle Road
Great Yarmouth, Great Britain

Furzedown Hotel
19-20 North Drive
Great Yarmouth, Great Britain

90 North Denes Road
Great Yarmouth, Great Britain

13 to 15 North Drive
Great Yarmouth, Great Britain

83 - 84 North Denes Road
Great Yarmouth, Great Britain

The Nelson Hotel
1 Marine Parade
Great Yarmouth, Great Britain

Dene House
89 North Denes Road
Great Yarmouth, Great Britain



Henrys On The Prom
71/72 Marine Parade
Great Yarmouth, Great Britain

Beacharbour Guest House
13 Trafalgar Road
Great Yarmouth, Great Britain

Chequers Guest House
27 Nelson Road South
Great Yarmouth, Great Britain

Elmfield Guest Accommodation
38 Wellesley Road
Great Yarmouth, Great Britain

Avalon Hotel - Guest House
54 Clarence Road Gorleston On
Great Yarmouth, Great Britain

Hotel Tips

Always tip staff when you feel the service was great and don't forget the housekeeping staff which you may never see. You should tip every day if you are staying multiple days as the staff may rotate out and miss the bounty at the end.

Bring an actual credit card to avoid deposits and pre-authorizations consuming money in your checking account which will reduce your available balance. Hotels that accept paper cash often ask for a hefty deposit to cover potential damages in your room leaving you scrambling to find an ATM.

Avoid booking poolside for kids playing during the day and gatherings at night. Sound bounces off of the water and voices carry so ask for a room away from the pool either on the opposite side of the hotel or in higher floors.

Things To Do

Great Yarmouth offers on-the-go dining when you visit your favorite food truck. Pick up some corn tortilla tacos with freshly made pico with a fresh squeeze of lemon to give your day a boost. Food trucks can offer a wide variety of niche ethnic blends.

Great Yarmouth brings the farming community under one marketplace to offer an assortment of locally grown fruit and vegetables. Traditionally, markets are restricted to anything grown so you can expect to see natural whole foods that are sure to please those working on their plant-based diets!

Great Yarmouth visitors are always welcome and you will receive exceptional service from local merchant-owners as opposed to staff at the big box retailers. We take the extra time to make sure that you how to make best use of your purchase and that you get exactly what you need.

Why Do You Love Downtown?

Rebekah Gellert
I am visiting for the first time tomorrow evening, and am hoping to find out about any events that may be happening for the Memorial Day weekend. Dining tips, etc! Thank you!

Sharon Wright
I like the idea of downtown merchants being more visible and that they are locally owned and operated. It's great to see what's available downtown and I look forward to the discounts as well. Being a history buff, I love see the architecture as it was back in the day which is lost in modern buildings. Downtown is charming, inviting and quaint!

Friday Nelson
Just moved to Jacksonville. What an adorable little town!

Schuyler Judd
Interesting people and shops!

Carrie AGNEW
why not?


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Great Britain